Federal Programs
This office, housed at the Jefferson County Schools district office, is committed to providing a quality education for all students and timely customer service to all community and parent partners. The office and its staff are available to assist any student, parent, and/or community member in understanding the role of federal grant dollars in the public school of Jefferson County.
Federal Programs assist with funding for areas to improve the academic success of our District, school, and each individual student.
Contact Information
850-342-0100 ext. 1090
Eydie Tricquet
Title IX Coordinator
Office: 850-342-0100
School Grades
How does your child’s school measure up? (School Grades)
School | Jefferson K-12
Principal | Mr. Pons
2022 School Grade | I
Parent’s Right Statement
Dear Parent/Guardian,
As a parent of a student attending a Title I Jefferson County School, you have the right to know the professional qualifications of the classroom teachers who instruct your child. Federal law allows you to ask for certain information about your child’s classroom teachers and requires us to give you this information in a timely manner if you ask for it. Specifically, you have the right to ask for the following information about each of your child’s teachers:
Whether the Florida Department of Education has licensed or qualified the teacher for the grades and subjects he or she teaches.
Whether the Florida Department of Education has decided that the teacher can teach in a classroom without being licensed or qualified under state regulations because of circumstances.
The teacher’s college of major, and any advanced degrees, if so, the subjects and degrees.
Whether any teachers’ aides or similar paraprofessionals provide services to your child, and if they do, their qualifications.
In addition, you have the right to be provided information on your child’s level of achievement on Florida state assessments. This information will be available at your child’s school.
2022-2023 Parent and Community Information:
2022-2023 Approved Grant Applications
2023-2024 Approved Grant Applications
Approved Science of Reading Grant
2023-2024 Title I, Part A, Signed
Jefferson 330-2264B-4C001 Title 1 Part A UNISIG Signed
2022-23 Title I, Part A Annual Parent and Family Meeting and Survey
2023-24 Title I, Part A Annual Parent and Family Meeting and Survey.
Private School Complaint Procedure
Private school officials have the right to complain to the Florida Department of Education if they believe that Jefferson County Schools did not engage in timely and meaningful consultation or did not consider their views. The complaint form should be submitted to the Florida Department of Education, Office of Federal Programs, Turlington Building, 325 West Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400.
To learn more about the complaint procedure visit the FDOE website at http://fldoe.org/policy/cie/file-a-complaint.stml
Private School Complaint Procedure
Parent and Family Engagement
Title I, Part A provides for substantive parental involvement at every level of the program, such as in the development and implementation of the State and local plan, and in carrying out the LEA and school improvement provisions. Studies have found that students with involved parents and families, no matter what their income or background, are more likely to earn high grades and test scores, and enroll in high-level programs; pass their classes, earn credits, and be promoted; attend high school regularly; and graduate and go on to postsecondary education.
If you would like to be a part of the community that reviews the Parent and Family Engagement Plans, works with the school to plan effectively each year, and be a bigger part of your child’s education please contact the school principal.
2023-24 Parent and Family Engagement Plans
2022-23 Annual Title I Parent and Family Meetings
Title I Parent Meeting
English Learners (EL) Program
Jefferson County’s EL Program goal is to ensure that all students reach challenging academic standards and graduate with a high school diploma and prepare them for responsible citizenship, further learning, and productive employment. These funds also ensure that EL students not only are provided with appropriate educational services (including supportive services) that address their needs. The goal is to ensure that EL students have the appropriate opportunities to meet the same challenging state academic content and student academic achievement that all students are expected to meet.
Contact Information:
Shelly Ryan, ELL Coordinator
850-997-3555 ext 1219
Students in Transition
The Federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act states that children and youth who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence are considered homeless.
If due to loss of housing, a child must live in a shelter, motel, vehicle, or campground, on the street, in abandoned buildings, or doubled-up with relatives or friends, then he/she is eligible to receive services provided under the McKinney-Vento Act.
The McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program (also known as Students in Transition or SIT), is designed to address the problems homeless children and youth have faced in enrolling, attending, and succeeding in school. Under this program, state educational agencies must ensure that each homeless child and youth has equal access to the same free, appropriate public education, including public preschool education, as other children and youth.
Under McKinney-Vento, children (PreK-12) have the right to:
Continue to attend the school they last attended before they lost their housing (school of origin), if that is the parent/guardian’s choice and is in the child’s best interest, or the school which is zoned for their temporary residence.
Enroll and attend classes immediately while the school arranges for the transfer of school and immunization records and other required enrollment documents.
If necessary, enroll and attend classes in the school selected by the parent/guardian (school of origin or zoned school), while the school and the parent/guardian seek to resolve a dispute over which school is in the best interest of the child – NOTE: This does not mean any school in the district, only the school of origin or the zoned school.
Receive transportation to the school of origin (if a parent/guardian requests such transportation).
Participate in any school program and receive any school services for which they qualify.
Contact Information:
Allyn Howard
Student in Transition Liaison