Registration Information
Central Registration
Jefferson County District Office
1490 W. Washington Street
Monticello, Florida 32344
Department Contact Information
Angie Bennett, Registrar
Thank you for choosing Jefferson County Schools. The Office of Admissions helps parents/guardians through the process of enrolling your child with JCS. On these pages you will find all of the necessary information and requirements.
2024-2025 Registration is open.
To register for the 2024-2025 school year, please follow the instructions below.
Online registration submissions are automatically routed to the registrar.
Step 1: Gather and Scan Required Documents
Gather and scan the documents listed on the Registration Checklist before you start online registration. You MUST have all of these documents to complete your registration.
Parent Guide for enrolling via the Online App →
Step 2: Submit Online Registration
Online registration requires a FOCUS account with a valid email address. Follow directions closely and be prepared to upload the required documents. At the end, you will get an email stating that your submission was received.
New to District: Create Focus Account & Enroll K-12 Student →
For Parents that do NOT have a FOCUS account, and have never enrolled a child in the School District of Jefferson County.
Existing Focus Account with District: Enroll Additional K-12 Student →
For Parents that already have a FOCUS account, with a child enrolled in the School District of Jefferson County. To enroll an additional child, login to FOCUS. Select “Online Application” and “I would like to apply for enrollment for a new child.” Be sure to select the current school year registration form type.
Step 3: Registration Confirmation
After the student's information has been verified, the registrar at the school will send a confirmation email with the school start date.